Customized gear development

Our employees possess excellent know-how in bevel gear box technology, acquired over many years. We apply this knowledge in a targeted manner to the development and manufacturingof bevel gears. Our focus is on manufacturing spiral, hypoid and Zerol gears – employing GLEASON gear technology. To this purpose we employ modern GLEASON “Phönix 275″ milling and grinding centers. The maximum crown gear diameter is 330 mm – depending on the transmission ratio. The smallest module manufactured is 0.4.
In gear development in a “closed loop” process, we employ a GLEASON 350 GMS measuringmachine and a ZEISS Prismo 3D measuring machine as well as other GLEASON test equipmentessential for precise manufacturing for quality assurance purposes. This guarantees compliance with the quality requirements according to DIN 3965 and AGMA at all times. We can be proud of the experience our employees gained over the past 20 years: more than 800 gear designs and references in all fields of industrial application, from bevel gear boxes for the automotive sector, robot technology, powered tool holders, handling systems as well as development and designs for the aviation and space industries.
Please contact us for further information. You can find the contact details on our contact page.
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